Unintended Consequences!

Unintended Consequences! 

For years the internet was due to change everything and yet nothing seemed to really happen. It was all hustle and hype. 

Fast forward a decade or two, and we have awoken to a decimated high street with zero stock, yet our country lanes lay ruined by stock filled delivery wagons. 

Families are viewed being too busy texting acquaintances, to focus on having a conversation over dinner with the people who really matter.

Huge swathes of office workers are more connected than ever, and yet are becoming increasingly socially isolated and depressed, as they don’t even leave the house for work. 

Communication is everywhere, yet deep quality filled connections and real friendships are nowhere to be seen. 

Nobody mentioned any of this, when they were trying to sell a website! 

The lesson seem to be, that things seem to take longer to change anything, than imagined. Yet when the hustle and the hype are long gone, they seem to have changed things so deeply, that the whole game has changed for the next generation. 

1 thought on “Unintended Consequences!

  1. So true, everything you pointed out. The world is in a bad place and the planet an even worse place. The need for Instant super fast technologies and 24/7 obsession to expand worldwide to create an unnecessary carbon footprint. The time has come to put the brake on technologies.

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