The return of the Life Inspector

“It’s just like being a life inspector again” said Bob gleefully….

He was referring to how business was going with the 2 retired owners client books he had purchased earlier in the month.

“I just say yes we can do this or no we can’t do that, they arrange it all and I basically sign it off”.

Apparently Bob and his veterans are having a ball, Bob is 60 by the way and he is the youngest.

Neither of his guys are level 4 qualified, both were from a traditional home service background (30 years each) and one actually had their clients being looked after by a firm they used to advise for.

He joined “Bobs Veterans” because his payments depended on company profits rather than a simple and clear payment schedule & introducer agreement. They also just didn’t seem to want him around.

As for Bob he is looking for more agents for his veterans squad.

To even be considered for the prestigious outfit you must

  • Be over 60 (I did tell Bob about age discrimination law but he says that “he doesn’t give a toss”)
  • Have a passion for client made cake and hot drinks
  • Think the RDR and FCA are “a load of bollocks”
  • Love seeing clients (and doing a good job)
  • Want to get out of the house and/or away from the wife a day or so per week

Bob says he is happy to pay 1.5% of assets with half up front and rest over 24 months and a 30-40% split on anything new.

Apparently Bob’s veterans are having non-sales meetings fortnightly which involve coffee, reminiscing on the good old days, discussing holidays, restaurants, days out and other general nonsense.

I’m waiting for Bob to announce that they are going on an overseas convention!



8 thoughts on “The return of the Life Inspector

  1. very very good……..could not have put it better myself.

    how do “I” find out about joining Bob’s group……….?

  2. Interesting scenario, but I just don’t see who does what, perhaps you could ‘spell it out for me’, it sounds interesting and may suit me.

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