- Ownership
- Accountability
- Responsibility
——–Point of Power———
- Excuses
- Blame
- Denial
Rob is a coder; Rory gets us to the top of google.
They have put a point of power poster on the IT office wall and between them they have begun an amusing double act.
Let me explain…
Whilst one is giving an update on progress, the other will point a finger to the poster highlighting when any excuses, blame or denial are being uttered.
Whilst this is highly amusing, it is also incredibly effective as a tool for personal development, achievement, and effectiveness.
Anything below the point is giving our power away.
Denial is the worst. Lying to oneself and others, will condemn us permanently.
Blame is the destroyer of all our relationships and of course, the better we get at excuses, the worst we become at everything else.
Everything below the Point of Power is easy to get away with. It’s always easier to make excuses, it’s always easier to place blame on something or someone else to save your own skin, and it sure is easier to deny all knowledge in the first place!
Getting above the point of power is harder and ultimately what we should always strive to achieve…
Responsibility is owning our actions (response-able- able to respond).
Accountability is owning the result – not just the actions.
Total ownership is ultimately the goal.
So, when it comes to life, love, work, relationships, where do you currently rank in your own Point of Power?
What do you need to stop doing in your life right now?
Why haven’t you done it?
Is your turnover growing faster than the government’s mismanagement that is devaluing the pound?
Are all your people on a self-development growth curve?
Are you spending your lifetime doing what you want to be doing every day?
You don’t have a Rob or Rory with you, so please point at will to yourself as you justify…
Why not?
PS – I wanted to say thank you to the three business owners, who sold their firm through us and asked me to restart this blog.
I would say this is for you, but it would be a lie, it is for me. Mostly, because you showed me how much cash doing this, makes the firm.
Sincere thanks and I hope you enjoy.