Mistresses, a love-child and trust

You probably didn’t read about the wealthy IFA client with a secret second life in America, complete with a mistress and a young son…

His UK wife had been looking forward to retiring with him but this chap had different plans – he was leaving her on retirement to be with his new family in the States.

The story told by Simon Goldthorpe made me think about trust in the finance professions because we have had similar situations here when selling businesses for proprietors who were then moving on in their life (often in many ways!).

The thing is, if your clients like you they will listen to you, but if they trust you they will buy into you.

How do we get clients’ trust then and how can you show clients you are trustworthy?

HERE is a 10 minute video sharing the 6 sign posts to trust which you can apply to your financial business or career today. Worth a watch.

HERE is a discussion on trust from Baronesss O-Neill at TED.

Trust is hard earned and easily lost, HERE is Simon’s blog about trust which started the thought. Obviously, sympathy goes out to this client’s ex-wife but hopefully the chap is now in America and doing well with his young family.

3 thoughts on “Mistresses, a love-child and trust

  1. I really enjoyed the video, it was quick , informative and just what I needed as a good reminder of what actions can be taken to make the most of our relationships with our clients.
    We all know what works , like finding common ground with a new client and telling people who else uses us for financial advice and numerous other things but we forget the importance sometimes and that video just hit the nail on the head many times. So thank you Steve very much.
    kind regards
    I always read your blogs

  2. Indeed Trust is in the whole lacking in our industry, but the video (cartoon) is about the art persuasion & influence, which in my opinion is one of the reasons the industry lacks trust.

    Great video, but attached to wrong message.

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