Beware the nodding dog that bites behind backs

Of all the characters you can have on board, a nodding dog is possibly the most dangerous…

You may have a nodding dog in your team right now?

The nodding dog is deeply unhappy at work. You may sense this intuitively, or someone you trust may pass on the vibe of some previous conversation to you in confidence.

The trouble is that when you take the time to engage or even just communicate with the nodding dog, they tell you everything is fine or even great.

Hey, there are no complaints from this dog, they understand and agree with everything that’s going on in the business, they think things are great- until they are out of earshot.

Sadly bad karma is more contagious than good karma in any office and the nodding dog will erode the trust and motivation in your team quicker than acid.

As the nodding dog won’t share their real thoughts with you, you are left unable to motivate, engage or even communicate with them on a meaningful level.

Because of this, if you have a nodding dog, you owe it to yourself and your team to cut them loose before they damage their own career and your teams performance.

3 thoughts on “Beware the nodding dog that bites behind backs

  1. Hi Stephen

    Good point and well written, I have found nodding dogs in my team not often but often enough.

    They do damage but it can be limited if the other people have cat’s eyes.

    They also occur in families….

    All the best


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