The Bar of shame

Hanging from the roof of a Yorkshire gym is the bar of shame…

So called because of its ability to shame old Steve as he attempts to pull his ample carcass up repeatedly and compete with some team members who bounce up and down on this thing effortlessly!

So why do I keep shaming myself on this wretched pull-up bar in front of the team?

Well, when you do your best, that’s all you can do and there can be no shame, no guilt when you give all you can.

Same goes for you in your accounting, financial planning or business efforts, if you do your best and fail to win the business, or get whatever result you wanted, then it actually doesn’t matter as long as you did all you could.

We are all judged by others on results but the only real judge of you, is you.

It’s what you do with what God gave you, not the win or the failure.

Your absolute best is the very definition of integrity and strength.

Besides, if it’s ok for the boss to fail, then it’s got to be ok for any other team member to fail, and that’s actually really important.

As a leader all you can ever ask for is the best work your team are capable of.

Better their best failure than a team that’s too scared to even try and fly?

2 thoughts on “The Bar of shame

  1. Thanks – that was a nice thing to read in the morning.

    Best regards,

    Chris Smith
    Ipswich Financial Services

  2. Hi Stephen
    enjoy your comments but can’t agree with this one…..often” I tried my best” is a cop out for not trying or doing your best

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