Some problems spell disaster yet not all problems are bad…
Some problems show your life is on the up, but can you tell the difference?
The worst type of problems are old news.
Bad problems are problems that you’ve faced before. They are the recurring problems in your life. Recurring problems always get worse, they don’t get better if left alone.
Occasionally a terrible problem appears out of nowhere, but usually it’s a repeated problem which has gone from a whisper into a scream! (There is some help coming below on these!).
Good problems on the other hand are always new problems. They are problems which have manifested due to you taking positive action.
Let’s say you tripled your business profits over the next 2 years. Great news, well done!
But, it would give you problems…New investment problems, new tax challenges, you might need to hire more staff, maybe choose a new car, maybe a larger office, etc.
What are your 5 biggest personal or business challenges right now? What percentage of them are old news?
It may help if you understand the paradigm that recurring problems are always the product of a non-existent, broken or poorly functioning system.
Here is a simple business example…
The entrance reception in the office was always a mess, full of amazon deliveries. Because the staff could guarantee someone would be in, they used the office address for their deliveries.
Now the best time to clear the reception was never in the 5 minutes before clients arrived, but that was when it always had to happen.
In short, the system for taking deliveries was non-existent. As the firm had grown, the problem had gotten worse.
Now when deliveries arrive, the door opener immediately moves all packaging into the staff area. From the staff area it is now incumbent, on the package owner to remove it and dispose of the packaging.
The employee tribe self-enforces their own members to clear their own mess in order to keep their chill out space free for everyone.
This has proved far more effective than my previous moaning and balling about the mess in reception!
Highlighting the system that’s not working correctly in your life which is causing the problem is the best step to solving it. If you can identify the system or habit of what is currently not working then you can install a new one. If you have a functioning system then the problem will dissolve.
An American guy called Sam Carpenter wrote an excellent book on these concepts called “Work The System”, if you want a complimentary copy please just reply “yes” and I will send you one out. It is within my gift to do it for you and it would be my pleasure.
“If solid goals are established and the majority of time is spent manipulating systems towards those goals, great results will materialise naturally”
Sam Carpenter
“We shall find the answer when we examine the problem. The problem is never apart from the solution. Understanding the problem, dissolves the problem”
Bruce Lee
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