“Let me think about it”- have you ever heard this or something similar from a potential new client?
Sometimes the potential client is genuine and needs to think further but often the sub text is “no thank you, but I don’t want to be rude to you.”
Thing is, attempting to push a prospect to make a decision before they have the information they need is not just hard sell, it’s bad sell, it’s the mark of an amateur.
Closing someone to the fact that you will be expecting a decision once they have all the information is another matter…
When you guide a client you will share exactly what their investment in your advice will be, then you will answer any questions for them, but after that, they will need to make a decision on whether they want your help because you need to make a living, followed by “is that alright?”
That’s professional and the technique significantly reduced the amount of delays and polite “blow outs” I had to endure.
Of course, it works just as well in many other areas apart from clearing your fees.