The pensioner learning the iPad in the Pub

Ever seen a pensioner being taught how to use an iPad?

The pub was the classroom, Sunday evening and the pupil, in his seventies, had brought in his new broken iPad for his friend to fix over a pint.

His Google app button had somehow been moved to a different spot, it was a 10 second fix.

What followed though was a lesson on taking pictures, videos, the app store, music, various apps and basically all that an iPad could do for this old boy’s life.

Human interactions fascinate me and this one was priceless for Apple…

How could Apple have educated this man who won’t research other than in this way?

How likely is he to ever change to another firm now?

What about the guy doing the teaching, the Apple evangelist, how likely is he to change to another brand now?

How can I get legions of fans doing my educating for my firm and putting their colours to my mast whilst they do it?

How can you get your clients to convert their friends to your firm in this way?

A couple of things were present here. The educator knew more than the learner, he was confident and willing to help. The learner knew he had a problem but had no idea how much more potential he was missing out on (similar to professional advice situations).

I think the default for most people is that they want to help their friends and they want to look knowledgeable. Really then it falls on you to give them the confidence to help their friends and to help you in the process.

Giving clients real life stories helps them recognise the situations where you could help and teaching a few clever points gives clients them the confidence to speak up and share your strategies.

Of course, some financial firms are giving away eBooks and case studies to their clients over email so clients can forward them to friends or family when needed.

Like the iPad teacher, your clients are far less likely to talk about you unless they are talking about something they understand, something you have shown them and something that will help their friend.