How the top adviser firms are using remarketing to track HNW clients

Lynne is a lovely lady who helps out round our house. You see with 3 kids and me to look after, my beautiful wife of 17 years certainly needs the help…

So after visiting the RetiringIFA website Lynne was confounded by how my “cheeky chops” kept appearing on her computer.

Bemused, she commented…

“Your internet adverts are clever aren’t they? I was on the baking site and I notice you advertising on there all of the time.”

“The thing is though, it must cost you money so why on earth would you be wanting to advertise to cake makers?”

Cue a 2 minute discussion on how the leading marketers can show an advert that is based on her visit to their site and then show up across millions and millions of sites wherever she browses (including the baking one).

Lynne would not have been interested in discovering more… like how you can track the web browsing patterns of your “cookied” chosen targets to create a huge audience of very similar people.

Lynne certainly wouldn’t have been interested in how one firm duplicated the internet browsing patterns of accountants in their area to create enquiries that were 95% accountancy business owner/ tax partners all wanting an adviser to do business with (less than £15 quid per enquiry!) click here

But then Lynne doesn’t run an adviser firm which could use more local professional introducers of quality clients does she?