Don’t miss out on the auto-enrolment princesses

Don’t miss out on the auto-enrolment princesses

One client told me last week that the only good thing the RDR had delivered as far as he was concerned was a shortage of financial advisers!

His auto enrolment fee is simply £2k and if clients don’t like it (apparently most business owners chance their arms on fees) he tells them to find someone else.

Turns out that post RDR there just aren’t enough “somebody else’s” for a business owner who is short on time.

But it’s not the £2k fee which can help you earn the income you deserve, you should look at it as if you’re getting paid to kiss the frog and see if it’s a princess.

Supermarkets call this a loss leader, they price something at zero profit in order to get customers into the stores or website and then they make a profit on the other purchases.

Well you don’t have to take a loss, you can take a lean fee but the advantage is that you then get to roll the red carpet out to those business owners who look like the kind of clients you want to attract to your business long term.

Regular readers will know that I don’t like the principles behind auto enrolment (click here) but the plain fact is that you need to be kissing those frogs and finding some princesses.

If you haven’t seen the recorded web cast on how to generate a bunch of leads on LinkedIn then Click here for the webcast, it fits in really nicely with auto-enrolment.

Suck it up princes, this is as good as it gets.

Be relentless in achieving your dreams.


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