Thank you for the wonderful kind words offered as gratitude from all of you who loved the linkedin as a tool for lead generation webinar…
Even bigger thanks to those who offered donations to our program in return for how much it has helped their business, but no thank you – its a gift.
By the way, the recording of the webinar that is bringing the IFA and accounting profession back off the ropes is available for free download click here: if you missed it. When you watch it you will discover how one client generated 200 wealthy business owner leads in 6 weeks!
Last year 6000 UK kids were inspired on how to achieve big things in their life but Steps to Success is not a charity, its part of our marketing spend.
To those that have asked why? I have personally seen the gaping difference in the way children are educated in this country…
Starting life in a very nice pre-prep school gives you a great foundation. Wearing shorts in winter wasn’t fun and the school field was a back yard without even a blade of grass but you don’t know how good you have things until they change.
Picture this…
Suddenly its registration time at a very, very different school, the teacher is calling through names and children either grunt in response or cackle as the teacher is forced to stop and look up when they don’t even bother to respond.
Hearing my name, sparks me automatically to stand up straight as a die, arms flat by my side fingers pointing rigidly down and answer “yes madam” in a clear and shrill voice that seems to somehow echo round the room.
After a second, I sit down to a chorus of laughter and a gawped expression still imprinted on the gob smacked teachers face.
As you can imagine, the next few weeks weren’t much fun whilst I settled in!
This isn’t a troubled childhood story though, the new school was not a bad school, and there are much, much worse out there.
The sin is that there are schools where children do not know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made, schools where becoming a Gold medallist or becoming a millionaire is understood as impossible instead of just difficult.
Schools where children don’t know what they can do because all they hear is what they CAN’T do.
Have you noticed how just a little light can go a long, long way in a dark place?
That little light only costs us 2 quid a kid to provide a real double gold medallist hero with a real story to personally look an underprivileged kid straight in the eye and dare them to dream.
That’s why we do it.
Don’t forget, if you want to learn how to use linkedin as a tool to drive genuine investment or accounting leads then just click here: and I will send you a complimentary recording of the webinar to watch at your leisure.